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Expert na nekódování, Latenode Ambassador
December 5, 2023
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December 5, 2023
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Vytvoření integrace s libovolnou aplikací: Dvě metody

Expert na nekódování, Latenode Ambassador

While other low-code automation platforms take pride in having thousands of pre-built integrations, Latenode stands out by offering an environment where users can create new integrations with any desired application in just minutes, completely from scratch!

There are two ways to make this happen, covering all your potential use cases. Let's start with the simpler one.

Method #1 HTTP request

Optimalizujte své obchodní procesy na Latenode - nejlepší automatizační platformě pro vás

If you're looking to connect with an app that provides API documentation, focus on the cURL examples given.

Each API endpoint in your application demands a specific communication method, and the cURL example offers a template to execute the desired functionality.

For instance, let's suppose you want to create a new Trello card and consider the Trello documentation. Your steps?

  1. Identify the action you need, like “Create a new Card.”
  2. Find and copy the cURL example showing how to communicate with this Trello endpoint.
  3. Note the required parameters for this API request. For instance, creating Trello cards requires knowing where to place the card, so the “idList” parameter is essential.
Screenshot of an API documentation interface highlighting instructions on how to create a new card. The top left corner features a REST API menu with 'POST Create a new Card' highlighted in red. To the right, there's a cURL command example with the request URL highlighted. Number 1 on the image has an arrow pointing to the card creation option, number 2 has an arrow pointing to the cURL command, and number 3 points to the 'idList' query parameter, marked as required

After these steps, let's return to Latenode, where you simply:

  1. Add an HTTP request node to your scenario.
  2. Click on “Create from example” and paste your cURL.
  3. Replace the API Key, API Token, or other authorization details your service needs. Ask ChatGPT where to find these in your app.
The process of creating an integration using curl

Often, this is enough to build a new API integration from scratch in two minutes! 🎉

For our Trello case, manually set the required parameter idList to inform Trello where to create the new card. Additionally, define the card's name and description, using data from your Latenode scenario as shown on the screenshot below.

Screenshot of an API interface displaying a form submission section. The 'Body' tab shows 'form-data' selected with 'Key' and 'Value' fields. The 'idList' key is highlighted, containing a unique identifier, followed by 'name' and 'desc' fields with sample data entries. An arrow points to the 'idList' field

Now you know how to build an integration with any app using an HTTP request on Latenode.

If you have questions, feel free to ask in our Discord community: https://discord.gg/HQbB2H6k4p

Metoda č. 2 Integrace umělé inteligence v JavaScriptu

Napište kód, i když jste začátečník, pomocí nástroje Latenode's AI Assistent.

Použití JavaScriptu pro integraci se může zdát složitější, ale asistent umělé inteligence v modulu JavaScriptuLatenode jej zpřístupňuje i začátečníkům.

Chcete-li vytvořit novou kartu Trello pomocí umělé inteligence, zadejte našemu asistentovi následující otázky:

- Přidání skriptu do mého kódu, který vytvoří integraci API s Trello - "Vytvořit novou kartu"

An example of how an AI assistant writes code by itself after a short prompt.

Zbývající kroky jsou podobné jako u metody HTTP:

  1. Zadejte svůj klíč API a token API.
  2. Přidejte idList nástěnky Trello.
  3. Zadejte název karty Trello a Popis.

Ty přidáváte přímo do kódu, ale umělá inteligence tento proces zjednodušuje a nabízí vám pokyny.

🐞 Narazili jste na chybu JavaScriptu? Nebojte se! Umělá inteligence vám pomůže kód opravit, jakmile chybu odešlete zpět do chatu.

A pop-up window displaying JavaScript node errors, suggesting issues within the code block. The window's header reads 'SEND ERRORS BACK TO AI' in red letters. Inside the window, there's a JavaScript icon with an exclamation mark and a label '5'. Below is an error message: TypeError, indicating that 'store.set' is not a function at the specified file and line of code

Nemusíte ani vysvětlovat, co potřebujete, k získání nového kódu postačí odeslání hrubé chyby:

An example of how one can simply copy and paste the error code into a chat with an AI assistant and it will correct it by itself.

A je to!

Using these methods - HTTP request and JavaScript AI integration - you choose a self-service approach for any low-code integration you can imagine.

Enjoy using Latenode, and for any questions about the platform, join our Discord community of low-code experts.

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