Integrate Klaviyo with Any App Using Latenode

Integrate Klaviyo with Any App Using Latenode

Discover the power of combining no-code and full-code integration with Klaviyo. Create custom workflows, automate tasks, and supercharge your business with Latenode.

Klaviyo Actions

A no-code Klaviyo Action nodes will be available soon.

These are the things that can be done using Klaviyo Actions:

Klaviyo Triggers

A no-code Klaviyo Trigger nodes will be available soon.

Mezitím můžete požádat o vývoj vlastního spouštěče zde.

These are the things that can be done using Klaviyo Triggers:


Autorizace bude brzy k dispozici.

Pokud potřebujete tuto integraci aplikace, můžete požádat o urychlený vývoj aplikace.

Introduction to Klaviyo and

Klaviyo is a powerful email marketing and SMS platform that helps businesses create personalized and automated marketing campaigns. With its robust features and intuitive interface, Klaviyo enables marketers to segment their audience, track customer behavior, and deliver targeted messages across multiple channels. is a low-code integration platform that simplifies the process of connecting various applications and automating workflows. By leveraging's user-friendly tools, businesses can seamlessly integrate Klaviyo with other apps, enhancing their marketing efforts and streamlining their operations.

Benefits of Integrating Klaviyo with Other Apps

Integrating Klaviyo with other applications offers numerous advantages for businesses looking to optimize their marketing strategies. By connecting Klaviyo with CRMs, e-commerce platforms, and other tools, companies can ensure that customer data is always up-to-date and consistent across all systems. This enables marketers to create more targeted and personalized campaigns, improving customer engagement and loyalty.

Moreover, integrating Klaviyo with other apps allows businesses to automate repetitive tasks and workflows, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. By setting up automated triggers and actions based on customer behavior or specific events, marketers can deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time, ultimately driving better results and ROI.

How to Integrate Klaviyo with Any App Using

Krok 1: Nastavení účtu

To get started with integrating Klaviyo and other apps using, you'll first need to create an account on the platform. Simply visit and sign up for a free account. Once you've completed the registration process, take some time to explore the platform's features and familiarize yourself with its interface.

Step 2: Connecting Klaviyo to

After setting up your account, the next step is to connect Klaviyo to the platform. To do this, navigate to the 'Connections' section in and search for Klaviyo in the list of available apps. Click on the Klaviyo icon and follow the prompts to authenticate your account. You may need to provide your Klaviyo API key, which can be found in your Klaviyo account settings.

Krok 3: Výběr a připojení dalších aplikací

Once you've successfully connected Klaviyo to, it's time to select and connect the other apps you want to integrate with. supports a wide range of popular applications, including Shopify, Salesforce, Google Sheets, and many more. Simply search for the desired app in the 'Connections' section and follow the authentication process, similar to the one you completed for Klaviyo.

Step 4: Creating Automated Workflows

With Klaviyo and your other chosen apps connected to, you can now start creating automated workflows. offers a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface that allows you to visually design your workflows without any coding knowledge. Simply select the desired triggers and actions from the connected apps, and arrange them in the order you want them to occur. You can also set up conditional logic and filters to ensure that your workflows are targeted and efficient.

Examples of Automating Workflows with Klaviyo and

Example 1: Syncing Klaviyo Data with a CRM

One common use case for integrating Klaviyo with other apps is syncing customer data with a CRM, such as Salesforce or HubSpot. By setting up an automated workflow in, you can ensure that whenever a new subscriber is added to your Klaviyo list, their information is automatically created or updated in your CRM. This keeps your customer data consistent and up-to-date across both platforms, enabling your sales and marketing teams to work more efficiently.

How to set up the automation:

1. Choose the 'New Subscriber' trigger from Klaviyo

2. Select the 'Create or Update Contact' action from your CRM

3. Map the relevant Klaviyo fields to your CRM's contact fields

4. Save and activate the workflow

Example 2: Triggering Personalized Email Campaigns

Another powerful way to leverage Klaviyo and is by triggering personalized email campaigns based on customer actions or milestones in other apps. For instance, you can set up a workflow that automatically sends a targeted email campaign to customers who have reached a specific loyalty tier in your rewards program app.

How to set up the automation:

1. Choose the 'Loyalty Tier Reached' trigger from your rewards program app

2. Select the 'Send Email Campaign' action from Klaviyo

3. Choose the appropriate email template and segment

4. Save and activate the workflow

Example 3: Integrating Klaviyo with an E-commerce Platform

Integrating Klaviyo with your e-commerce platform, such as Shopify or WooCommerce, can help you automate various tasks and improve your marketing efforts. For example, you can create a workflow that automatically adds customers who make a purchase to a specific Klaviyo list or segment, enabling you to target them with relevant post-purchase campaigns.

How to set up the automation:

1. Choose the 'Order Completed' trigger from your e-commerce platform

2. Select the 'Add Profile to List' action from Klaviyo

3. Choose the appropriate list or segment

4. Save and activate the workflow

Example 4: Updating Klaviyo Profiles Based on Webinar Attendance

If you use a webinar platform like Zoom or GoToWebinar, you can integrate it with Klaviyo to update customer profiles based on their webinar attendance. This allows you to segment your audience based on their engagement and tailor your email campaigns accordingly.

How to set up the automation:

1. Choose the 'Webinar Attended' trigger from your webinar platform

2. Select the 'Update Profile' action from Klaviyo

3. Set up a custom property to track webinar attendance

4. Save and activate the workflow

Example 5: Sending SMS Reminders for Upcoming Appointments

For businesses that use appointment scheduling tools like Calendly or Acuity Scheduling, integrating Klaviyo can help you send automated SMS reminders to customers before their scheduled appointments. This reduces no-shows and improves customer experience.

How to set up the automation:

1. Choose the 'Appointment Scheduled' trigger from your scheduling tool

2. Select the 'Send SMS' action from Klaviyo

3. Customize the SMS message and set the desired send time

4. Save and activate the workflow

Example 6: Creating Klaviyo Events from Google Sheets Data

If you use Google Sheets to track important metrics or events, you can integrate it with Klaviyo to automatically create custom events based on your spreadsheet data. This enables you to track and analyze customer actions that may not be captured by other apps.

How to set up the automation:

1. Choose the 'New Row Added' trigger from Google Sheets

2. Select the 'Create Event' action from Klaviyo

3. Map the relevant columns from Google Sheets to Klaviyo event properties

4. Save and activate the workflow

Example 7: Triggering Klaviyo Flows Based on NPS Survey Responses

If you use an NPS survey tool like Delighted or SurveyMonkey, you can integrate it with Klaviyo to trigger targeted email flows based on customer feedback. This allows you to follow up with detractors and promoters in a timely and personalized manner.

How to set up the automation:

1. Choose the 'Survey Response Received' trigger from your NPS survey tool

2. Select the 'Trigger Flow' action from Klaviyo

3. Choose the appropriate flow for each NPS score range (e.g., detractors, passives, promoters)

4. Save and activate the workflow

Best Practices and Tips for Integrating Klaviyo and Automating Workflows

When integrating Klaviyo with other apps and creating automated workflows, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure optimal performance and results. First, make sure to properly map and sync your data between apps to maintain consistency and accuracy. Second, use clear and descriptive naming conventions for your workflows and actions to keep your automations organized and easy to understand.

Additionally, be sure to test your workflows thoroughly before activating them to ensure they function as intended. Monitor your automations regularly and make adjustments as needed based on performance data and customer feedback. By continuously refining and optimizing your workflows, you can maximize the benefits of integrating Klaviyo with other apps and drive better results for your business.


Integrating Klaviyo with other apps using offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to streamline their operations, improve customer engagement, and drive better marketing results. By following the steps outlined in this article and exploring the various examples of automated workflows, you can unlock the full potential of Klaviyo and take your marketing efforts to the next level.

With's user-friendly, low-code platform, integrating Klaviyo with your other apps has never been easier. So why wait? Start exploring the possibilities of automated workflows today and see how integrating Klaviyo with your tech stack can transform your business.

Popular workflows automations with Klaviyo

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Create custom Klaviyo workflows effortlessly by selecting triggers, actions, and searches. A trigger is an event that launches the workflow, while an action is the event that occurs as a result. With Latenode, you have the power to automate your Klaviyo integrations without any coding knowledge.

Automate this Klaviyo events

What could you do with Klaviyo automation

Make search with Klaviyo No-Code integrations

Build Your Klaviyo Integrations with Ease

Quickly automate Klaviyo integrations with Latenode templates

Popular Klaviyo Workflows Made Easy

Looking to get more out of Klaviyo? With Latenode, you can visually integrate Klaviyo into any workflow to save time and resources — no coding required. Try for free in just a few clicks.
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Proč Low-Code a čím se liší Latenode ?

Integrační platformy často poskytují širokou škálu aplikací s konektory bez kódu. I když nabízíme několik no-code uzlů, domníváme se, že no-code řešení mohou být v některých ohledech omezující. Proto si myslíme, že uživatelé by měli mít naprostou svobodu při vytváření jakéhokoli druhu integrace s podporou UI. Za tímto účelem nabízíme nástroj, který umožňuje napsat vlastní integraci pomocí kódu JS a kopilota AI. Doporučujeme vám, abyste jej vyzkoušeli a přečetli si o něm více informací, abyste se dozvěděli, jak funguje.